21.09.2021: European Cooperation Day
7 September 2021

Europe celebrates the European Cooperation Day on 21 September every year to remember that joining forces we can be stronger. Our Countries have different cultures and traditions, but together they can face common problems and challenges and they can do all of this creating “something good”. So, the European Community promotes and supports cooperation projects.
Sharesalmo Project is an example of this applied to nature conservation and the sports and sustainable use of fishing. In the Project Switzerland (Ticino and Grigioni Cantons) and Italy (Lombardy and Piedmont) work together to promote the territory joining the management of the Salmonid native species.
All Europe takes part to the celebrations of the European Cooperation Day, you can find all the events here: https://ecday.eu/.
You can celebrate with us on 12 September 2021 in Caselle Landi (Lodi) at the 156^ Fiera Autunnale Merci, Uva e Bestiame and on 19 September 2021 in Pontevecchio of Magenta (Milano) at “Park Centre La Fagiana” where you’ll have the possibility to visit the Parco Ticino hatchery.